Month: March 2018

Lip In Shameless

The Gallaghers of the hit show Shameless have done it all and lived through more than any family should have to. But there's one character who has stood out …

Belinda Carlisle Our Lips Are Sealed

Belinda Carlisle is an American singer and songwriter who rose to fame in the 1980s as the lead singer of the all-female rock band, The Go-Go's. With her powerful …

Botox For The Lips

When it comes to keeping your lips looking fuller and more youthful, Botox has become a popular choice for many women. Botox is an injectable form of botulinum toxin …

Upper Lip Quiver

Upper lip quiver is a common physical symptom that can be caused by a range of medical issues. It is often associated with emotional distress, but it can also …

Upper Lip Dark Skin

As a woman of color, understanding the complexities of skin care can be daunting. For many, dark skin on the upper lip can be especially difficult to manage. Questions …

Lip Infection From Chapped Lips

When it comes to maintaining healthy skin, lips are often overlooked. Unfortunately, chapped and dry lips can be a sign of a more serious issue: lip infection. Lip infections …

Longest Lips

In the world of beauty, there are certain features that stand out from the rest. While some women may opt for a longer nose, others prefer more prominent cheekbones, …

Why Are My Lips So Red

3 easy ways to make your lips naturally red with pictures cheilitis lip inflammation causes and treatment how get pink 13 simple home remes bodywise my small white spots …

Inside Lower Lip

The inside of the lower lip is a sensitive area that can easily become irritated. It's an area that many people overlook in their daily oral care routines, but …