Month: April 2015

Lower Lip Paresthesia

Lower lip paresthesia is a condition that affects many people, but is often overlooked or misdiagnosed. It is characterized by a tingling, prickling, or burning sensation on the lower …

Perfect Lip Shape

Everyone knows that having the perfect lip shape is a sign of beauty and youth. But what is the perfect lip shape? It turns out, it varies from person …

How To Cure A Burnt Lip

A burnt lip can be a painful experience. Not only does it cause discomfort, but it can also be embarrassing to have to explain to others what happened. Unfortunately, …

Red Lips Dark Skin

Dark lips on dark skin is a bold beauty look that has been seen more and more in recent years. This look is daring and gorgeous, and it can …

Herpes Lip Blisters

Herpes Lip Blisters are an uncomfortable and often embarrassing condition that affects many people. While the virus that causes this infection is highly contagious, it can be managed with …

Gold Lips

When it comes to beauty, gold lips have taken center stage. From the catwalks of high fashion to the pages of magazines, gold lips have become one of the …

Tingling In Hands Feet And Lips

Tingling in the hands, feet, and lips can be an uncomfortable and confusing experience. Have you ever felt a strange, numb sensation in your extremities? If so, you may …

Stretched Lips Makeup

The trend of stretched lips makeup has been gaining traction over the past few years, with more and more beauty influencers, celebrities, and everyday people embracing the look. But …

Severed Lips Dinosaur Jr

No one can deny that there is something special about Severed Lips Dinosaur Jr. The groundbreaking, alternative rock band rose to fame in the late 80s and early 90s …

Yellow Lipped Sea Snake

The yellow-lipped sea snake is one of the most iconic and instantly recognizable marine creatures in the world. Native to the tropical and subtropical reefs of the Indo-Pacific region, …